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Dear visitors,

From Friday, March 4, 2022 you can go shopping in our stores again without major restrictions. However, please note that according to the current regulation, wearing an FFP2 mask is mandatory in our stores.

Special rules continue to apply for visits to restaurants, for services close to the body, and for gyms and recreational facilities:

  • Restaurants are allowed to open to the public, subject to strict hygiene requirements. Indoors, the 3G model is mandatory: guests must have Befully vaccinated, recovered or tested.  
  • The offering and use of body-related services – such as in hairdressing salons, solariums, beauty salons and similar establishments – is permitted in the 3G model . Customers are required to present proof of vaccination or convalescence or a negative test certificate and also to wear a medical face mask or FFP2 mask. If the latter is not uniformly possible for all customers – for example, in the context of a beard shave – the mask can be removed. 
  • In the case of body-related services that are necessary from a medical, therapeutic or pastoral point of view, the requirement for 3G does not apply. In this case, customers must wear an FFP2 mask if possible.
  • In the area of sports practice in closed rooms, there is a distance requirement or a test obligation at the discretion of the person responsible.
  • FFP2 masks are mandatory in cultural and recreational facilities.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Europa Center

Europa Center
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